
How does it work?

Students pay a one-time fee to attend a total of 12 hours of live online group tutoring during the month. Tutoring is conducted in four 3-hour sessions, and they're recorded in case you miss or you want to rewatch them. Here are the dates and times of future sessions:
SESSION 1: November 5, 7-10pm EST
SESSION 2: November 12, 7-10pm EST
SESSION 3: November 19, 7-10pm EST
SESSION 4: November 26, 7-10pm EST

What topics are covered during tutoring?

Next Generation NCLEX questions — Prioritization — Select all that apply (SATA) — Maternity — Medical/Surgical Nursing — Fundamental Test-taking Skills — Safety and Infection Control — Psych — Basic Care and Comfort — Pharmacology

Who are the tutors?

Mark teaches 6 hours of tutoring.
The other 6 hours of tutoring are taught by Dr. Sharon, Dr. Pete, or Trevor.

How long can I access webinar recordings?

The last day for students to access the course resources, including webinar recordings, is on 12/02/24.

Additional products

Clear, Concise, and Memorable

We equip you with the tools. You pass the exam.