May Tutoring for the Next Generation NCLEX (NGN)
Learn how to answer NCLEX questions with our team of instructors in live online group tutoring sessions.
Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) questions — Prioritization — Test-taking Skills — Psych — Select all that apply (SATA) — Maternity — Medical/Surgical Nursing — Pharmacology — Safety and Infection Control — Basic Care and Comfort
Access to the Tutoring group content expires on the second Wednesday of the following month. For example, 2025 May Tutoring group access expires on June 11, 2025.
Dr. Pete and Dr. Sharon
We use Zoom for our live online sessions.
Prepare for the Next Generation NCLEX® anywhere you have a device with an internet connection! It includes HD videos of Mark's lectures, as well as quizzes and exercises to accelerate your learning.
Clear, concise, and memorable teaching on the most important nursing and Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) topics. Binge watch ad-free videos for the next 3 days to your heart's content...
Join us in February for 12 hours of live online group tutoring! We provide insight for changing the way you answer Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) questions and explain how to answer correctly so that you pass the exam!
Join us in March for 12 hours of live online group tutoring! We provide insight for changing the way you answer Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) questions and explain how to answer correctly so that you pass the exam!
Join us in April for 12 hours of live online group tutoring! We provide insight for changing the way you answer Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) questions and explain how to answer correctly so that you pass the exam!
We equip you with the tools. You pass the exam.